run off


run off

kilpailla, kamppailla, kilvoitella, järjestää uusintakierros, valokopioida, monistaa, ottaa kopioita, kopioida, mikrokopioida, tehdä fotostaatti.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

run off englanniksi

  1. To flee or depart quickly.

  2. Dont run off before the end of the event.''

    He ran off to France leaving her with all the debts and three children to bring up.

  3. puhekieltä To make photocopies, or print.

  4. Please run off a couple dozen more flyers to pass out.

  5. puhekieltä To write something quickly.

  6. Shakespeare could run off a play in just a couple of days.

  7. (of a liquid) To pour or spill off or over.

  8. They kept a barrel to store rainwater that has run off the roof.

  9. To cause to flow away.

  10. to run off a charge of molten metal from a furnace

  11. To chase someone away.

  12. If anyone comes into this field, the bull will soon run them off.

  13. To operate by a particular energy source.

  14. This radio runs off batteries.
